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Conversations over a Cuppa (or 8,640 of them!)

Inspired but tired after an Xmas with a difference. This year I spent the week supporting #HARC (Homeless and Rootless at Christmas) by making industrial quantities of tea and serving breakfast butties to those in need.

There was a lot in common with my corporate and coaching work. People find themselves going downhill in situations that seem all too much. Whereas taking a few minutes to stop for a cuppa and talk to someone friendly with a listening ear could really help bring them back up.

Really heartening was one conversation, after which the guest looked me straight in the eye, decided that he'd be back on the right road, and volunteering himself next year – priceless.

Whilst helping out the homeless and vulnerably housed, we made c 3 hot drinks per hour for each guest. There were c 80 guests present at any time over a 6-hour shift. That’s c 1,440 hot drinks. I did 6 shifts, so that’s at least 8,640 cuppas.

Although I made a fair few, it was definitely a team effort. There are some numbers you can’t calculate. The satisfaction of working well together for a good cause – inestimable. The number of ‘thank you’s – countless. The warm fuzzy glow that comes from helping someone during a difficult day – beyond value.

Now. How to top that during 2023?


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